Add a welcome video to your course promotional material

Do you still print business cards to hand out to your networks or to new clients?  Perhaps you have a course flyer that can be downloaded from your website or Learning Management System.  Even current students want to know what further studies may be available, and this is great because once you are in the study habit you should continue as the hard bit of learning how to juggle life, work and study has been achieved when you receive your first record of result.

With Augmented Reality (AR) you can make almost any printed resource interactive.  There are a couple of ways you can do this:

  • Use your smart phone to create and upload a video to YouTube of yourself introducing the course and what learning outcomes students can expect.  Then create a QR code image that links to this video.  I use for fast and easy QR codes 🙂 Add this video to your course flyer to give it a personal touch.  This is even more important for your distance students if the course is delivered via e-learning and they don’t come to class.
  • Download your preferred AR app (mine is Aurasma  – you can join them as an educational partner so you can publish your auras (learn more about this in some of my previous posts)). Attach your video as an aura to your business card so it can be accessed by anyone who has your card and the app.  That is pretty cool 😀
  • Create a AR business card for yourself.  You can use a couple of apps for this, such as YPrintit or CamCard Lite (which is the one I have) If your network also uses the same app, you can share your cards and watch each other’s videos (this would make a great introductory project for an e-commerce student)

OK, now we know how to do it, I’ll add a couple to some resources and share back here when done.

AR Tagxedo created from words in

AR Tagxedo created from words in