Learning in holiday mode using Prezi

It’s Easter, and my students are focussing on loading their families, loved ones, friends and selves with chocolate and the occasional hot cross bun (which have been available since Boxing Day!!). Classes are suspended while parents look after their children and school teachers breathe out the stresses of Term 1 and get ready for term 2.

These two weeks of school holidays are preparation time for VET teachers as well, but while we don’t have scheduled classes, students are encouraged to come in and continue their studies using a blended model of support.

My Diploma of Business students are working on the unit BSBRSK501B Manage Risk using this model. To get them started I sent an email advising:

We are starting this subject next week, and you will continue self-paced over the Easter break – you are welcome to come in to campus or work from home.  To assist you in these studies I have developed a supporting Prezi that provides prompts and focuses your attention to relevant areas of the book to assist in assessment tasks.  You should be able to simply click through, or play the Prezi (requires internet access)https://prezi.com/avxvxm_uc7ni/caution/ ”

Prezi using for blended learning

Prezi using for blended learning

Students use the Prezi as a structured support tool for their learning.  They can watch the suggested videos to assist in deepening their understanding, and move forward or back through the presentation until they are comfortable with their level of learning.  Students also email me with any questions, schedule a face to face support session with me or support each other via a closed Facebook group (of which I am not included for conduct and privacy reasons.  I don’t mind either as it encourages them to grow and learn using each other’s skills and support).

Does it work? I was pleasantly surprised at their supportive reaction and have already received assessment submissions from pro-active students.  These students mentioned the Prezi gave enough structure for them to confirm they were on the right path and increased their confidence at submitting the assessment.

Flip your class using Prezi and let me know how it works for you!